Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sky Watch Friday
June 12th, 2009

Early in the morning the thunderheads began to peer over the mountain tops, and by midday they were sailing across the skies between the Similkameen and the South Okanagan.

A small quick rush of rain in the late afternoon and by evening the great white thunderheads have dispersed, - sailed away to other climes - and in their place long, low clouds stretch their way across a mild sky, touched delicately by the setting sun.


2sweetnsaxy said...

Great sky shots. I love watching clouds rolls by, especially those big white ones. :-)

-Eyes, Mind, Heart

Guy D said...

Great shots, those are some beautiful skies.

Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures

Barb said...

What a lovely sky to bring your day to an end. I hope you didn't send those storm clouds my way!

Mar-Bear said...

Nice shots! Happy Sky watch Friday

Danielle said...

Thats cool how you documented the whole journey. Great pics!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Beautiful clouds - it is almost worth getting a thunderstorm to see it build up in the sky isn't it?

Regina said...

Nice skies and shots.