SPRING - lost on the pathway to Summer....
The redwing blackbirds are awaiting, and one lone robin has been seen searching for swelling buds and green grass.

Pussy Willow and forsythia brighten up the indoors, and outside the sky is blue and the sun shines brilliantly. But the North Wind is bitter, - so bitter....

And where is Spring????
Has she abandoned us for some wayward pleasure?
I have it on good authority....

While she dallies and flirts the earth waits patiently, but I'm here to tell you, there is wailing and gnashing of teeth amongst gardeners......
Well the crocus are out and the daphne and there is a smell of Spring in the air, so I am sure she is on her way.
Ah yes, - wanton lass. She will arrive sooner or later, but in the meantime the cold wind has its way with us. The leaves from last fall are all plastered to the ground from the weight of the snow, and I am so anxious to get out and make it look like a garden again.
Do enjoy your crocus and the fragrance of the daphne, - and the very air itself!!
"The leaves from last fall are all plastered to the ground from the weight of the snow, and I am so anxious to get out and make it look like a garden again."
Sigh......I would give anything to even see those leaves from last fall but our five foot drifts have yet to even begin to shrink.
Donna (aka Alberta Girl)
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