Old Books, New books, Lists of books....
Here is Maclean's current Canadian best seller list
1. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Anne Shaffer and Annie Barrows, - which I have read and enjoyed immensely!
2. The Kindly Ones, by Johathan Kittell. This sounds as if it would be a small, sweet read, but no, - it is 900 pages based on a Greek Tragedy, and examines the morality of an S.S. officer, who tells of his involvement with the horrors of the Holocaust with no apology and from the point of view of the Nazi German. I doubt if I will read this, and yet I feel I should!!
3. Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult - a novel about the care of disabled children.
4. Old City Hall by Robert Rotenberg, which immediately appealed to me because I used to work in an Old City Hall, but I discovered it held no memories for me and will pass it by.
5. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley. A must for its charming reviews and its promise of more to come about the heroine - an eleven year old girl named Flavia, a mystery solver!
6. The Associate by John Grisham - bound to be good.
7. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, - well, I think it's out of my league.
8. Cutting for Stone by Abraham, a novel with Egyptian overtones, I believe.
9. Fall by Colin McAdam - and its reviews interested me not one wit.
10. Through Black Spruce by Joseph Boyden. An novel about aviation in remote areas. Sure to catch the eye of a Flyer.
The Non Fiction is a mishmash of success stories, stories of failure, books on the economic woes which beset us, a book about the Yankees (Baseball) and the one the I have ordered from the library, - The Inheritors by David E. Sanger. It is a book which analyzes and forecasts the Obama years.
How does this Canadian list compare to other countries? I am sure we are not so global that we all read the same books, but certainly there are some that entertain or educate people in all countries. The Kindly Ones is a translation of a novel written in French by an American author and I think it has a moral message for all people.
I don't seem to have time to read during the day, but my night time reading is still dominated by Peter Ackroyd, - the Clerkenwell Tales and still The Sacred River.
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