The Resolve : to live a focused life...
a simpler life.
A cleaner life (that refers to my careless housekeeping)
and a more mindful life.. (translated: don't forget to take bags to the grocery store, - you will never be able to recycle all those plastic bags into doormats!)
Well, yesterday I took five cloth bags to the grocery store and felt immensely 'green' as I handed them across the counter. Virtuous, and pleased with myself.
When I came home and unloaded them, still feeling pure and Polly Anne-ish, I left them in an accessible place for next time shopping.
One swallow does not a summer make, and I can see I am going to have to nurture this habit before I can feel truly righteous.
For some time I have been examining the kitchen cupboards, the linen closet, the cobwebs on the ceiling, - all with my Company Eyes.
This morning, when Husband went singing (as a matter of fact I didn't hear him leave, I was so enthusiastically hauling things off the pantry shelves...) I planned to be doubly efficient. I would do the Pantry, which has been all higgeldy piggeldy for too many moons, and Roomba, the Christmas vacuum, would do the carpets....
I went to tell Ruumba the plans! She was plugged into her Port, but sadly, someone (Husband says it was the Cat) had knocked the electrical cord partly out of the wall, and instead of her green light shining at me all was quiet in Roomba Land. I plugged her in, and the orange charging light came on.
Nonplussed (well, fairly nonplussed) I returned to the Pantry while Roomba charged her batteries.
What amazing things I found tucked into corners and behind the front six inches which is the most active part of the Pantry shelves.... I threw things away, wiped down containers, found two jars of Mincemeat in addition to the one I bought this year. Every once in a while I would go and check on Roomba, but she seemed to be enjoying herself with the recharger, and was taking her time about getting ready for work.
Half way through I heard # 3 Son plowing the snow around the house. Once more into the breach, dear boy. Yesterday's snow piled another few inches on the road and it seems a never ending job to keep it clear.
I ran from window to window, and finally caught his eye to wave our thanks.
Eventually Roomba reluctantly turned on her green light and declared herself ready to work. I returned to the pantry while she scooted around and around the floor. The Dog found a safe spot out of her way. The Cat was terribly curious at first, and I thought she might jump on for a ride, but in a while she turned away in disdain and got up on the top of the couch to watch the quail eating under the bird-feeders.
I was through in the Pantry before Roomba had barely got started, so I had a shower, and when I came out I could hear her gentle hum, but couldn't see her, - until she came whizzing out from under the buffet.....
After a while she stopped, and when I went to investigate a pleasant voice politely asked me to check and clean Roomba's brushes, - which I did and soon she was back doing her cheerful merry-go-round act.
Time for Husband to come home from his morning outing, - I put the soup on to heat, - Roomba went back to her Port to rest, - every once in a while when I went past the Pantry I opened the door and glowed at the neat and tidy shelves.
A good morning's work, and that took care, momentarily, of the housekeeping Resolve.
I still have the Simpler life and the more Focused life to deal with, but I think that getting ancient eventually ordains that we shall not run around wildly doing myriad things that tire us out and distract us from the Mindfulness of life.
Had a nice nap this afternoon, and then Caspar and I went for a Simply lovely walk...
while the pleasures of a clean and tidy Pantry kept popping into my mind....

Perhaps I should just leave the door open so that I can be inspired about the Linen Closet, too.
I talked to two of my daughter today and they both wonder why they can't get anything done. Your cupboard is an inspiration!
Hope to follow in your foot steps.
I am really envious of your Christmas Vacuum. If you tell us that it picks up and puts away shoes and newspapers, I will just go into a corner and sulk while I look at the dust bunnies in the corners.
Fonnell, I think you have to reach a different concept of time before you can take one day at a time and be encouraged by what you got done in those few hours. It's either that or be in a funk all the time - unhappy thought!
Oh Willo, unfortunately not. There is a little pre-pickup to do (depending upon how tidy one is...) But it's lovely to be able to close the doors or put up a barrier and go away. And even better to come back and have the carpet looking so well groomed. You can either go and read a book or tackle another job, depending upon what inspires you.
I have a friend whose vacuum journeys back into its Port for recharging when it's finished......
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