While out gathering a posy or two to bring some elegance to the bathroom...Husband in charge of snapping these pictures of 'a wild woman in her wild, wild garden' - and I quote.
Saturday night and we are at the end of a week in which I advanced my career as go-fer/swamper/shoveler and an oft bewildered passer of tools as I try to divine what Husband is mouthing at me from the Boss's seat on the Tractor.
I am very green at this job. How does one know that when one reaches the 'ancient' years there will be this totally splendid dependence on one another - this marvelous togetherness that at once brings Contentment and Frustration.
I have one more week at this apprenticeship and then I do declare a Holiday.
The lazy, hazy days of summer will soon be upon us, - days to relax and read and sip cold drinks in the coolness of the porch.
The time to rise early to tend to the flowers and linger leisurely in the shade of the evening.
And all this spring enthusiasm that has stirred Husband and his Tractor (and his apprentice) will shower blessings upon us and keep us content through the long hot lazy summer when nothing of any consequence should be initiated after 10:00 a.m.
Sweet dreams (sigh)
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. ~Sam Keen

Your Sweet Husband captured a lovely scene, a beautiful woman in a magnificent garden. Your gardening endeavors and your lovely way of sharing your life through 'daybyday' are so inspiring to me.
I wonder if it was this way for you from the first day? It seems to take us so long to get to the loving cooperation you are at.
Hildred, your writing is certainly a 'how to' book without the hard cover. I am so appreciative of your writing.
Oh Willo, you make me blush with delight. Thank you for your kind words.
There is a pretty strong chemistry between Husband and myself, - sort of an instantaneous thing from the day we met. Chemistry brings passion, and passion doesn't always bring peacefulness.
In our mid-marriage years we were both busy with other things, but often they were shared, - like the farming, our involvement in the sheep industry and in agriculture and education. It is only now, when we are limited in what we can do, that we complement each other's physical challenges. We have been together for a long, long time and it seems to me that if you are lucky in those circumstances your lives meld and you lose some of your individuality in another and more precious 'oneness'. I am having trouble putting this into words, but it is nice, and magical, and sometimes frustrating!!!
I love your beautiful family pictures and your many and varied interests..... You often send me searching for more information.
It's wonderful to see your face on your blog! Husband knows know to capture your spirit. Your flowers are extraordinary.
Much love,
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