There was ice on the sprinkler lines this morning, but the sun came out and warmed things up a little - made it appear like a nice sunny day, but the nip was in the air....
After taking bucket's full of Chrysanthemums down to the church to mark Thanksgiving Husband and I got the car out, filled it with gas, and made our way to Osoyoos for the annual Donna Fishwick Ensemble Concert, given in honour of her century old father.
Here are the participants in a Palace in Prague this summer, - photographed on their European Tour.

And today, they arrived in their classy red bus and gave an amazing performance in the Osoyoos United Church.
Getting composed for the picture....

And now more or less ready for the photo op - so many of their parents were there and anxious for pictures... The guest of honour at the front.

A wonderful musical experience, and to share a part of it with you.....
There was a little nostalgia involved with this concert as well, - when Donna first began to teach she had a few pupils, - amongst them some of our own children. And myself..... I listened to Maggie Li playing the second and third movements of the Pathetique today, and I was moved almost to tears as my mind and my fingers followed her lovely rendition of the Cantabile second movement.
We came home in the sunshine. I, desperately trying to catch a few snapshots out the side window of the car, in between telephone poles.

A very heart filling experience to start the Thanksgiving week-end - I marvel at the talent and enthusiasm of these young people, and the easy way they have about them as they perform. And I am so delighted and amazed at what Donna has accomplished since she was part of our lives so many years ago.
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