Sometimes the little old gentleman dog wakens at the most inconvenient times, but in deference to his needs one leaves the cereal to get soggy and the toast to get cold, and goes to retrieve the leash. The cat saw us to the door, and we set off.
He was in good form this morning. The sun was not yet up, - the air was cool and invigorating and yesterday Husband had clipped the overhanging eyebrows that interfere with his shadowy eyesight.
We stepped smartly down the road. At the turn we stopped to visit with the dogs from the Big House who had raced up to meet us. Caspar touched noses with Simba, who is getting pretty ancient and arthritic too. They may have discussed how they slept in the night, - who knows. It seems to be a topic of conversation quite important to the elderly. After a short chat we got about attending to the business of this morning meandering.
While I waited my thoughts wandered to the stage of life we now inhabit, where the circle grows more and more intimate. Husband and I, the dog and the cat, hold hands together and care tenderly for one another. Well, sometimes the cat is aloof, but for a cat she is amazingly friendly.
At one time the circle was a broad, bright band, encompassing so many other souls, and I felt such responsibility for all who resided within it. Now I cast my lot with faith.......
I suspect that eventually the ring becomes, as it was at the beginning, a silver circle to hold one solitary soul.
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