And the perennial alyssum is beginning to bud up..... If I were to burrow down beneath the enormous Elephants Ears I'm sure I would find new stalks with little pink swellings.
Here is one of the peonies we brought from the Lost Garden, along with the sweet violets that couldn't bear to be parted, and came along with them. It sends its rosy, succulent stalks through last year's dried leaves, and I hope that this year they will begin to regain some of the beauty and vitality that they had before we moved them.

The Lenten Roses continue to bloom, and another small purple Hellebore is just making itself known.

The Starlings occasionally turn the meadow into a shiny black carpet, - and here they are, startled starlings in flight...

In the house Husband's prunings from the Flowering Almond and the Forsythia promise a pretty sight outside - soon

I have a great longing for a picture taking drive down south, along the river, and around by Ginty's Pond to see what is happening there. Perhaps the turtles will be out sunning themselves - other fans of Ginty's Pond tell me about them, but I have yet to see continues to hold such unseen pleasures.
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