Not our usual Funeral Reception type of Party.
This was an honest to goodness happy day party, - although it shared the nostalgia of the usual funeral reception.
It was a 65th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY PARTY - and I put that in bold capital letters because it is such a rare and lovely event.
Firstly because two people who have made a commitment to love and honour have done just that, - not for a year, or ten years, but through sixty five years. And Love has been the vehicle that carried them through the joyous times and the times of tribulation. And Honour is what is due to them now..
And secondly, because they have had the good fortune to survive the years, and are both physically present to celebrate this wonderful achievement.

While the familiar tunes of the 40's swept around the celebration one of the great granddaughters danced with her Daddy, perched on Daddy's shoes, and I smiled to see them, and to think about that great tune sung by sweet, old Leon Redbone, Dancing

No. 3 Son introduced me to Leon Redbone not too many months ago, and when I play his music I am right over the moon.....
I read a little blurb while looking for this picture, and it says so beautifully what I feel about his voice.
"It is hard not to smile when listening to a Leon Redbone record. Redbone is graced with a voice as deep as the Pacific and as smooth as butter. He continues a real love affair with tunes from the turn-of-the-century, flapper-era radio ditties, Depression-spawned ragtime and folk-jazz. Yet there is something oddly modern about this musician. His lyrical satire and cynicism tend to wear well with any generation. Leon Redbone’s live shows are just pure entertainment. His front porch manner, impeccable musicianship and relaxed stage aura create a family-like gathering around the fireplace, with the audience right there next to his armchair. "
And how about his rendition of the Walking Stick....
Excuse me while I go and search him out of the Media Library and put in my ear phones - bliss, - pure bliss.I have my happy face on.......
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