As I was sitting at the computer this afternoon I looked out the window to the south-east and thought about my husband's comment on our extreme good fortune in having this wonderful view to augment our living room.
We can look upon the farm which we established when we first came to this Valley, fifty-five years ago. We settled on a 600 acre veteran's land project, - all sage brush. Dry and dusty, but a good opportunity for the young vets who settled here and were prepared to put their hearts and faith, and a lot of hard work into establishing a future.
Our farm was at the bottom of the main gulley, just right of the centre of the picture. The DVA provided each veteran with $6.000.00 which, with a lot of good luck and good management, would provide him with the price of the land, the price of trees to plant an orchard, whatever orchard equipment he could afford, and a house to live in, - with what was leftover after he had repaid DVA the price of the land.
We moved to the Valley with three children and lived in rented accommodation while we planted the trees and built a house. My husband was the Water Bailiff for the project, - he cleared about 100 acres, in addition to our own 30 acres, planted it to hay and changed sprinklers on it all twice a day. In the second year, before we could move on to the land, he fell victim to the polio which ravaged children and young adults that year, but recovered his health and vigor until recent years when the effects of the polio have caused damage to the nerves in his extremeties
By today's standards it seems like an impossible task, but we were all young, strong and eager - there were tremendous feelings of comraderie and cooperation. We were all poor together, but full of hope and a spirit of helpfulness. And we had lovely parties!!!

Here is a bowl of Marigolds, picked today while I was out skirmishing with the dandelions!!!
I find the most amazing things that traveled up the hill to the new garden with the top soil we bought to get the garden established.
A sumac bush, three vigorous tomato plants that are just now starting to provide us with big ripe tomatoes, - a few ubiquitous elm trees and a splendid variety of weeds and wild flowers.

It has a little super market rose growing along with it that was most unhappy when I planted it, but took to that new soil with abandon and is growing all over the place with its miniature roses. They keep each other company.....

Today I found two oriental poppies that I thought had been swallowed by the alyssum that has been beating its dainty white chest and making its presence known up and down the pathway. They will have room to grow in the spring and to bloom as they used to!!
It has been a good day. Husband off to singing in the morning, and home to rejoice in the miraculous recovery of the generator on the Tractor. Plans underway for the building of the Garage, and a splendid big moon, waxing towards a full Harvest moon on the 7th - bathing us all in its glorious light.
Time to do the bedtime chores, gather up the current book and head down the hall to bed. Husband has turned off the Television, and is on his way to take over the den and his computer.
A good day! One at a time, and they make our lives comfortable and satisfying.
1 comment:
Oh how we enjoy popping in and finding a new entry in daybyday. I call David and he comes with his coffee or tea in hand to listen while I read your latest musings Mom. Thank you for sharing your days with us like this.
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