Calling for Rain
Traditionally the last two weeks in August are a tenuous time to plan holidays in the Okanagan/Similkameen, but instead of the rain that often comes at this time of year the sky is heavy with smoke from the Tripod fire in Washington, seeping across the border and up the lower Similkameen, through Cawston and into the main valley. On a positive note the smoky skies are rendering the sun's rays less powerful and keeping the ripening apples from scalding.
We have been haunting the fruit stands, looking for over-ripe peaches to bring home, slice up and enjoy at each and every meal. Not the same as sending a child out to pick a pailful off a heavily laden peach tree, but age must make it's concessions and we are thankful to live where fresh fruit is handy.
I had a lesson in humility yesterday as I tried to download a program under a grandson's patient supervision, and via Windows Messenger. Sometimes the selenoids fail, and the networks just don't connect up, but we were successful in the end, and that was a fine compensation for a frustrating struggle. Probably what I appreciate most about the whole endeavor was my grandson's sweet patience, and that he resisted taking over my computer to do it for me. Hands on is a great way of teaching, and one that stays with you if you are smart enough to take notes. And then not forget where you put the notes!!!
We have been in this new house almost a year now. In the rush of moving boxes get put up on shelves and things get tucked away in unfamiliar places. With our daughter's help I have been able to investigate the contents and delighted in finding yarn I had forgotten about, pictures I had thought lost, and even last summer's shoes that got packed into a box and shoved under the house!
This morning I heard my husband exclaim, (as he went through an airforce file) "here is a letter with all the names and addresses of the members of 170 Squadron"! Sadly out of date, alas, - the date on the letter was August 8th, 1945.
One of the compensations of growing old, - having the time for memories, even if the short term ones aren't as sharp as the childhood remembrances.
Take the goods the gods provide, and don't stand and sulk
when they are snatched away.
- Mary McMullen
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