Wednesday, March 23, 2022

March 23rd.... A lovely spring day! Absolutely - just so glorious and inviting. My daughter-in-lw is here, creating order out of chaos in my frigidaire and besides being grateful for that I was also grateful to have someone in the house who would notice if I didn't get back after the stroll I longed to take in the garden.... So I did. Take the stroll, and so excited to see buds on the daffodils and the hellebore in bloom, That little bush in the corner of the front garden (whose name I have forgotten, but it will come to me, - most people who garden have one and someone will be able to tell me what kind of a bush those lovely early spring flowers bloom on.) Anyway, it is in bloom! And the leaves are beginning to unfurl, - the teasels are fat and sassy, blowing in the cool spring breeze. All's right with the world, and morning's now at seven (when I get up and begin to enjoy the day...) First thing this morning the valley was covered in clouds, except for one little patch of blue, - as my Grandma Clark would say, - enough to make a sailor a pair of pants. This afternoon we could accommodate the whole fleet with blue pants, it is that generous ...... I have been winding warp, and taken refuge at the computer in response to complaints from the shoulders and back now that I am again inside. Doors and windows open though..... I keep telling myself that winding a warp doesn't have to be done all at once, in the space of sixty minutes and it is quite likely that it will be first on my agenda tomorrow! It has taken some time for me to learn the lesson of pacing oneself, but being ninety-seven helps to make recognition of what's possible and what is better to be put off until tomorrow..... Time for tea, - or a cold drink Youngest son has fed the drinks shelf with a new bottle of Apricot Brandy but it is a five o-clock drink (I think) Better to put the kettle on and get out a plate of cookies for tea....


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Your garden sounds lovely, this can be a beautiful time of year. My mother always used to say "enough to make a Dutchman a pair of trousers", something I didn't understand at all. But when I was about four I met a Dutch man and as chance would have it he was both tall and somewhat wider than average - so now I understood; it must mean there was a very big patch of blue sky. But how would you make it into trousers?

Morning's Minion said...

This is a lovely time of year for poking about outside to see what is emerging from the cold of winter. I often divide or move plants in my garden and have to ponder what should be growing in a particular spot.
Tea, especially with cookies, is welcome when one comes in with chilled hands and feet.

Ellen D. said...

Glad you got out in your garden for a stroll. How fun to spot the bits of Spring that are getting ready to bloom. Stay well!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I wish someone would come by and create order out of the chaos in my refrigerator!! But she might have to come by weekly -- I swear things go on in there while I'm not looking! I'm so glad Spring is there!