Sunday, August 29, 2021

 September 8th, 2021

A little break from winding warp....

 I have two naked looms, - one in particular crying out to be dressed.  It is squeezed in between my bed and the wall, and it is much more comfortable when it is dressed in a nice  warp (as I plan to do - maybe today!)  I would rather not hear any complaining at night when I am trying to sleep.........(just in case the loom feels its nakedness when the cool evening breeze blows in the open window)

Anyway, today I am in the middle of winding a lovely grey silk warp, 6 yards long so I will have length for two scarves for sure, and maybe three.  I count to twenty and then wrap the ends with a counting thread that follows along from start to finish,  I figure on twenty to the inch, which should give me a nice drapey fabric, so round and round we go until I have reached 15, or maybe 16 inches worth   - at least three hundred wraps.

It is a smokey day, with the clouds moving up from Washington where I believe the closest fires are burning, - I saw pictures of these fires last night  and was so very grateful that British Columbia is not so inflamed (as we have been in past years).

We are into September. - a month I love.... have always loved,  when it became 
time to go back to school.

School may not be everyone's cup of tea but I reveled in it, and still do take advantage of any opportunity that comes my way to learn something new.

Mind you, not all the things you learn these days are to the average persons' advantage
but this morning I got a very small cheque in the mail.

A Covid rebate, - the cheque was normal size, but the amount was small.

  I don't think that has anything to do with learning...I stay very close to home these days and don't expose myself to any of the strange germs that may be floating around.  Good days to turn my attention to the loom and awaken the creative juices.

Bruce and I spend a lot of time outdoors, - there are lots of blossoms that have seen better days and need to be snipped off.  Soon the asters will be in bloom and the garden will turn from the yellow of wall flowers and the golden blooms of the marigold to fall's beautiful purple colours.

Youngest son brings home peaches and apples - 

I have yet to make an apple pie but it is on my list of things to do...... 

 Peaches get eaten sliced, and smothered in ice cream.....

ah, it is lunch time

goodbye for now, 

wherever you are I hope September is being kind to you!


Sunday, August 29th, 2021

Sunday seems to be my day to Blog here, and I don't really know why as things of importance do happen on other days, - not often, I admit.  I seem to have reached the stage in life where nothing terribly important happens - we are between  generations and no new babies get born, or no one of the older generation dies, (although that deems possible on a distant horizon)  - but life goes on!!!! Quite ordinarily, I do admit, but less drama means more comfort! 

I get up at six and go to bed at ten, and in between I do the necessary things to make life comfortable, - take pleasure in the family who visits from across the lane or down the road, and wait out my time on this beautiful earth either in the garden or at the loom.

Youngest son has made the back bedroom his, and in the evening he comes about nine, - we discuss the day and any news he might bring that circulates around the village, or the family.  And then I go to bed.  I take a few crackers and my tablet that gives me access to Candy Crush, or news of the Day, and I circulate that around in my brain and wonder sometimes what the world is coming too!!!!  But then other times I go to sleep, content with what the day has brought, both locally and world-wide.  Is that because I am sleepy and less aware?  I hesitate to say that is so, but alas, it might be!!

It seems to me that the little world I live in is circling tight around me......the church I attended for so many years and where I played the organ at the service of deconsecration) is now to be a place where the indigenous can gather and the Anglican/United Church congregation which occupied it for a hundred years has fallen apart at the seams.......I may have mentioned this in a previous blog -it has been much on my mind.  I have memories of Charles, indicating from the congregation that I should play louder, or softer  - maybe I mentioned that, too!!!

Well, I have wonderful memories, and 96 doesn't behoove me to scurry around and get dressed for church of a Sunday morning (church online, in your jammies or nightgown can be almost as inspiring, though one does miss the rest of the friends and congregation..... one is also not inclined to nod off if the sermon gets dull, although I am not admitting to that, of course!!!   It is easy to change channels though.... 

It is a lovely day, - cool but sunny and the advent of September just around the corner is very welcome.  On the Second of September there are plans for me to go to Penticton to sign something or other in front of a Notary, and the thoughts of making that familiar trip give me much pleasure.  I might even get into a shop or two, depending upon which son is driving and what the rest of the day holds for him!!!  

Well, I shall post this, and the Dog (Bruce) and I will go out into the back garden and have a nice drink in the shade, while we admire how beautifully it has grown, - and private, as the fence is pretty well all covered with yellow blooms.....

My daughter brought me a lamb chop for supper - Something to think about while we have a before dinner glass..........

Here is a picture of Bruce - not sure of his lineage but he is a doggie's dog, - lovable, sweet and orderly.

He is friendly with Misty, the cat.... who delights in my loom and the time we spend weaving....