Tuesday, December 02, 2014

U is for Ugli Fruit

ABC Wednesday
December 3rd, 2014
The Letter is U

If you are looking for a fruit or veggie whose name starts with the letter U the pickings are pretty scarce on the ground.

However, in keeping with my theme this round I give you the Ugli Fruit

A cross between the grapefruit, the tangerine and the pulamo, looking rather like a grapefruit with an ill fitting overcoat, as I read in my ramblings.

More delicious than its name would lead you to believe!

For more interesting Us visit here at ABC Wednesday
with thanks to Roger. Denise, and all Unusual helpers.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cold Winter Blessings

Wednesday's Snowfall

The last day of November, - that sad and gloomy month, and here is the sun, just slipping up over K mountain to shine for a brief period  - a perfect invitation to have lunch with a book, in the sunshine, on the sofa!

I am reading Rupert Sheldrake's 'Science Set Free' - finally a notable scientist who is not a rabid atheist or complete materialist.  It says on the back of the book "In the skeptical spirit of true science, Sheldrake turns the ten fundamental dogmas of materialism into exciting questions and shows how all of them open up startling new possibilities for discover".

Yesterday I sat in the lovely sunshine that accompanied the bitter cold wind and freezing temperatures working eagerly on the last sleeve of the sweater I am knitting.  Done!!!!   It has now been blocked, and is spread out on a table in the bathroom, with a fan blowing over it to assist in the drying process.

The shawl bit that fits into the neckline is stretched out on my bed, with picture frames under it to keep the dampness from  making my sheets swampy when I slide into sleep tonight!!!

When I finish lunch I am going to pop out, while the sun still makes lovely shadows on the snow and fill up the bird feeders, - the little birds and the quail and the odd blue jay reward me with their presence, hopping about, pecking at the ground where they have spilled seeds from the feeders, filling their little bellies with grain and black sunflower seeds

And when the sun has crossed the little gap between mountain peaks they retire to the remants of the cedar tree that was so badly damaged in last week's heavy snowfall, and awaits warmer weather for TLC and Frank's attention - (SIL who prunes and keeps things in order).

I must hurry to be finished by one o'clock when I will tune my PC into the National Washington Episcopal Cathedral to watch and listen to a beautiful service of Lessons and Carols.....

Yesterday I potted the paper whites and the amaryllis bulbs from last year and they sit in the laundry room on top of the drier, where there is light.  I guess when the drier is working it gives them a little nudge towards sending up slender stalks and gorgeous Christmas blooms.

The amaryllis I bought from the grocery store a few weeks ago had eight beautiful blooms, and another still to come!!

  1. Lots of blessings ......