Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17th, 2020

Alas, alas - nothing done today

nothing of any consequence, anyway!

I sat around reading mail and looking for pictures

to send to my niece in Washington

while my DIL who so kindly does handy things

with my vacuum cleaner

made the floors shine and the rugs became crumbless.

I found a few pictures of cousins

and cousins' offspring

and sent them off with the promise

to keep "pictures" in mind when family

comes once again to visit.

This evening I have been looking through seed catalogues,

anticipating a little planting spree when my order

finally arrives - they are saying 40 days until shipment!!

Well, that will be the end of May and the soil will be warm

and welcoming, especially for the nicotiana and

the evening scented stock, both of which I imagine, warmly,

scenting the summer evenings!!

The evening scented stock is a humble

flower during the day,

but in the evening the scent is glorious

and so full of memories of the my grandmother's

small garden.

I give a passing glance at the pea seeds

and the green onions

but it seems that I have reached the age

where it is required that I feed the soul

rather than the body!

I have rejoiced in a vegetable garden,

and he who tended it....

but now I rely on the local

Fruit stands or Farmers' Markets

for fresh summer veggies.

and have fond memories of the years

when I could garden passionately!!

Well, that was today....

Tomorrow I am going to wind that

intriguing towel warp!!!

My sore back willing............

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 14th, 2020

Most of the day I spent at the loom.

The wind was brisk and chilly this morning, so inside seemed a good place to be,  
but about tea time the sun had come out and the wind had gone into hiding,
 so I contemplated taking a cuppa out to the back patio,
 and giving Bruce the chance to have a little run around the garden.

All was warm and well, - enjoyed my tea, and the birds.
  A robin, a couple of goldfinches and a bevy of chickadees.
  I had my walker close by, so thought about taking a small stroll 
around the garden to see how the peonies and iris were doing, 
and if any of the lilies had pushed their stubby leaves through the ground.

Down at the bottom of the garden, 
in the raised bed,
 there is a lovely clump of deep purple and pink hellebores, -
 I have been keeping a small cut glass case filled with these blooms,
 close to the Beloved's picture,
 and thought to clip a couple of the blooms to refresh this small bouquet.

Off we went, - me and my walker and Bruce, who was still out keeping me company.

I set my walker beside me, leaned over and snipped off a stem 
with a number of blooms on it, - lovely!!

Evidently not paying enough attention to what I was doing,
 I leaned a little closer to the plant, and lost my balance.

Oh dear, oh dear, - nothing broken,
 but there I was, on the cement apron that leads to the garage, 
with a few spots that were hurting quite sharply. 
 I looked around, - ashamed to say that I was glad 
nobody was around to see me embarassing myself!!!  Ego!!!!!

I pushed myself up and limped into the house, -
only to find that the telephone was ringing.
 and on the other end was a kind and comforting male voice, who said,
 "Oh Mrs. Finch - you have just fallen.
Are you alright.?"

Well, of course, - I had my Lifeline on
 (which I try to remember every morning when I get up) 
 and though I thought nobody knew
 I had put myself in this sprawling position,
I soon found out that all sorts of people knew!!!  

As I reassured the Lifeline man I heard my daughter come up the hallway, - 
as one of the respondents she had also been phoned!!! 
 And my large and third son was at the door, -
 of course they had phoned him too!!

I am extremely grateful for the competency of the Lifeline People,
 and without hesitation would recommend 
that anybody who is ancient and lives alone
 should indulge themselves with this safety device.

When everyone had gone, -
reassured that their old Mother was O.K.,
 I put the Hellebores into the glass vase,
 and had a whispered talk with the Beloved 
as to what had just happened,
 and that I hoped he appreciated the flowers
 that keep him company,
 and the one who fell down, picking them for him
 and for Love

I shall look for bruises

and find the little jar of Apeaz salve

before I go to bed!

Monday, April 13, 2020

April 13th, 2020

The days are sunny

but the wind persists in its chilly ways

and I am dissuaded from

taking Bruce and the mobile cart

out for a spin.

Just down the lane.

Eyes are rolled and hands go up in the air

when I suggest 

I might go over  town!!!

Perhaps with good cause...

we are still keeping our distance

even (or especially) from those we'd like to hug!

So today I started to wind a warp....

a magic grey cotton that seems to shimmer

and a natural soft shade of white.

I have a delicious cone of white boucle, for weft

that I think would make wonderfully absorbent towels. 

I am getting a little ahead of myself

as both looms are still dressed.

The bamboo and silk on the LeClerc

remind me that Easter is past

and it's time to get back to work...

and on the Glimakra I am playing,

and I don't know what the end result will be.

Colourful, if nothing else!!

Today I put that wonderful DVD I have

"Two Cellos" with Hauser and Sulic

and I played it a second time while I made cookies.

My daughter brought me turkey and dressing

and my DIL a lovely plate of ham and corn

and scalloped potatoes...

So I am quite stuffed, and hoping that by bedtime

I might have time for the  pumpkin pie and cream!

But perhaps I should leave that until tomorrow, -

age is inclined to leave the stomach a little delicate

if one overstuffs at bedtime!!!

And speaking of bed and treats

here is the little dog, "Bruce" telling me that

it is time to go out for his bedtime rendezvous

with whatever cats might be around,

and a couple of bits and pieces before he settles for the night.

He misses Callie,

as I do, too!

Tomorrow perhaps the west wind will have abated somewhat

and we might be able to dig and scratch around

in the garden!