Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

Sunrise in the Similkameen

While looking for Buried Treasure in old blogs I came across this spectacular sunrise in a blog dated December 29th, 2006.

From what the posting says it was a bitterly cold morning accentuated by a freezing wind.

The sunrise hardly warmed the temperature, but it did cause a bit of excitement around the breakfast table.

Eventually it faded to a golden glow, and so the day began.......

To see wonderful skies from around the world follow the SkyWatch link in the sidebar


Regina said...



Reader Wil said...

Wow! A bit of excitement??? I would say a whole lot of commotion!!! Very impressive, breathtaking, and stunning!
Have a great weekend!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love sunrises even more than sunsets - they are nmore subtle somehow.

Barb said...

Well, the day got off to a blazing start, that's for sure!