Monday, August 19, 2013

Early morning in the garden

A lovely cool breeze this morning, carrying with it that first faint scent of autumn.

I take my first cup of coffee into the back garden, with Callie following, and the night fragrance of the nicotinia still lingers in the air as I brush past the pure white blooms. 

And the one stalk of evening primrose that grew in the pot where a great clump were meant to be!

We take what we gets and be grateful!

The clouds along the rim of the hills are long and low and the sun shines bright on the willows
that grow in the length of the underground stream that runs along the bottom of the benchland.

It is Sunflower time again - a gay portend of September and the opening of the
Sunflower Breakfast Bar for the small birds that remain in the valley.


The clouds above radiate from the East

 and a particularly ambitious sunflower towers above it's neighbours, thinking to reach into the clouds, I do believe!
The Mountain Ash is turning autumn orange

 Mister Lincoln is well into his second flush,
and bears a few more buds, as does the Abraham Darby

I gather a few second crop raspberries, just enough to make the breakfast cereal a treat
And Callie and I go in to start the day in earnest, - Monday, in what promises to be a busy week, and being busy is good for my grateful soul. 


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Being busy in those beautiful surroundings would be good for anyone's soul! What a nice start for your week.

The winter birds are going to have a wonderful breakfast buffet...what a nice way to think of a sunflower garden.

Dimple said...

Lovely post, Hildred. I haven't felt fall yet, but I know it's just around the corner.

Your garden is beautiful, a perfect place to begin the day.


The Weaver of Grass said...

That last sentence echoes with me Hildred. I have health issues and I find that being busy the whole time is so good for me.
Your garden looks a great comfort too.

Barb said...

I like seeing what's blooming in your environs, Hildred. You sound busy and happy.