Tuesday, December 27, 2011

ABC Wednesday

The letter this week is the eXtraordinary  X

X is for the kissy part of....

Charles and I have six children, who in their early years made lovely homemade cards for Mum and Dad, signed with OXOXOXOXs (hugs and kisses), and now bring beautiful sentimental cards, more sophisticated in their wording, but still with those fond hugs and kisses across the bottom, which dampen the eyes, just a smidgin, and make you think it has all been worthwhile.....

Add to that the dear cards that arrive on special occasions from fourteen grandchildren, and you will know that we have boxes and boxes of loving OXOXOXOXOXs.  What could be sweeter......

Thanks to Mr. Google for the illustrations.

For more Xamples of the letter X visit here at ABC Wednesday, with
thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and her eXcellent helpers.

P.S.  Xmas kisses are especially nice.


Dimple said...

Your alphabet posts are delightful, Hildred.

I hope your New Year is delightful, also.

Roger Owen Green said...

XOXO to all!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

Aren't they special!

photowannabe said...

There is nothing, absolutely nothing sweeter than the hugs and kisses xoxoxoxoxoxo from our family.
That's the glue that sticks us together.

Reader Wil said...

A perfect post for X ! I wish you a wonderful beginning of the new year with better weather than this year.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a lovely and creative post for X.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love families that hug and kiss - how sad it must be for those who never do.

Carver said...

Wonderful post for the letter X. The first time I saw XOXO I didn't know what it meant. My daughter had to spell it out for me.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

wonderful post for this week

The Poet said...

Those hugs & kisses are something aren't they? Personalized is always nicer.
Lovely post.
Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes for the New Year!

Xanadu: This Lush, Tropical garden