Friday, September 10, 2010

September Ramblings

September 10th - a third of the way through this most favoured of months, and this morning the sun is shining and from where I sit I can see the autumn breeze is blowing gently through the tops of the trees.

I have just finished playing the morning Scott Joplin concert that accompanies Charles as he gets ready to go out and start the morning's activities, - this morning he is painting the door frame I watched him prepare yesterday on the new table saw.  Am I any help watching?  Well, I can go-fer things and pick up dropped objects, and I say the occasional prayer when it is important for things to go 'just right'.  And I'm now and then is important!

Yesterday afternoon I picked up two friends and we went for tea, - well it turned out to be coffee and spring rolls as we went to the Thai Restaurant which is lovely and clean and quiet, but they don't serve a traditional tea and biscuit kind of thing.

Both of my friends have family at night, but during the day they are more or less alone, and neither is driving any more.  Listening to them talk I realized what a blessing the companionship of an extended marriage bestows on us...

Ah, I see the painter at the window,  paint brush in hand, - I am off to lend my expertise and what little advice the go-fer is permitted to offer.

Later, - do not think, fair reader, that this togetherness is always sunshine, light and merry cooperation.  Charles came early to leadership with his Lancaster crew - it has been a talent that has stood him in good stead in everything he has been involved with, and not one that he relinquishes easily.  I, being a first born, am not always fit for my role as apprentice, even though half the time I am not sure just what is going on! On the whole we usually survive the work at hand, still speaking.....


Barb said...

Ah, yes, reality! A long marriage is hard work - yours is longer than mine, so I guess I still have some work to do! But, we are lucky, Hildred, to still enjoy the companionship of the men we met and fell for so long ago. PS Great sunflowers!

Willo said...

Your words are lovely today as they always are. It is good to know there is another wife out there who wants to be near and offer suggestions that are neither wanted and often are taken as criticism. I often wonder if I am using a voice that grates or words that cut. All I want is the experience of being together. I was once told to get a whistle and a saw-horse. After 56 years, one would think a person could learn something about communication.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Such an insightful post, Hildred and funny too! And (if I could write like you can) I could have written something similar!

So many people seem to think that msrriage is just coasting after some X number of years -- we continue to enjoy life and count our blessings, but we continue to adjust!

The Stonehedge Farm said...

I am your newest follower- You have a lovely blog- Your flowers are just beautiful.
I am hoping that you will come to visit my blog and follow me too.